Wednesday Blahs…

May 23, 2007 at 11:01 am 7 comments

Wednesday finds me with not much to say.

Motoring through the week as best I can.

My library has been under construction for months (we are expanding) and the end is in sight.  They are putting in the carpeting and the new fixtures are starting to arrive.   Toured the new area last night and it looks really nice.  We even have a brand new information desk.  I will start to feel official again!  It is a nice rounded sphere as opposed to the square, boxy desk that we had before.   It looks like a brand new branch.

They also finished the ceiling.   We had an unfinished ceiling before with pipes and tubes and ducts exposed.  They dropped the ceiling down and managed to hide the ductwork.   I think that will help to decrease the noise level.

Contrary to popular belief, the library of today is not quiet.  Many people assume that when you work in a library you have a quiet job.  Not so.  Libraries are community centers and when you are in a busy branch, you get all sorts of people.  This includes those on cell phones,  small children running back and forth around the branch, and friends finding one another and getting into animated conversations.  Coupled with the phone ringing off the hook at the info desk and the assorted information question, it can get quite lively.

And on the topic of libraries,  just a random question.  I was wondering how many of you, my readers, have your own library card!   They are free and easy to get.  I hope that you get out and support your public library.  We need all the support we can get!  So, if you don’t have a library card or don’t know where your local library is hiding, find out. You will not be disappointed.

Did you know that our branch was given a piano?  We have a speaker series called the Friends Cafe (sponsored by the Friends of the Library) and quite often, the speaker has a musical talent.  So, one of the friends donated a piano! Because of the construction, it is now housed in our break room, but will be moving to the meeting room as soon as we get the meeting room back. 

I hope we have someone that can play!   

Well, it is nearly 7:00 AM and I must go get ready to start the day.  It’s over the hump day.  Happy Wednesday to you all! 

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The Secret The Day We Lost Verizon…

7 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Dr. Sparky  |  May 23, 2007 at 2:11 pm

    I love the idea of a library expanding. And I have my own library card, and it is being put to very good use lately. You think I want to buy all those books on my list?

  • 2. tigeryogi  |  May 23, 2007 at 4:12 pm

    Somehow, even when you don’t have much to say, you still end up with a long post! ;P

    P.S. Of course I have a library card!! 🙂

  • 3. Jim  |  May 23, 2007 at 4:35 pm

    Now that sounds like fun… I can only think of a few libraries here that have a piano in them. What really draws the kids is when they have performers or celebrities come to play an instrument, read books, etc. I think it is the one thing that so many miss out on these days, is the fascination of reading. And what’s more fun than reading to kids at the library, you look over the book, and there’s a group of wee faces absolutely hooked on the story.

    And I remember when library cards were paper 🙂 Although, I admit I don’t check much out, I tend to use the reference library for research most these days.

    Have you seen the books published by CRW Publishing? It’s the “Collector’s Library” series, all the classics printed in a pocket size harcover binding. I’ve picked up many in the local bookstores. Last year I read War and Peace, Dickens, and this year I’ve just finished The Aeneid, with more to be read yet. I think they would be a great gift for a young reader, get them hooked on the classics too.

    But, that’s my two cents worth 🙂

  • 4. Doug  |  May 23, 2007 at 9:54 pm

    I am ashamed to say I don’t have a library card. I shall go to the library soon to get one. I haven’t been to the library since I lived in Orlando about 8 years ago.

  • 5. Coco  |  May 24, 2007 at 1:35 am

    Yes, of course I have a library card!! I’m a teacher : )
    Plus, at our school we require that ALL students by 3rd grade have their own card…unless the parent feels that the child is still irresponsible to have their own card.

    Just Wednesday…I was hoping tomorrow would be FRIDAY!!

  • 6. urspo  |  May 24, 2007 at 4:55 am

    i miss quiet libraries myself; such peace was therein!

  • 7. Tony  |  May 24, 2007 at 6:44 am

    Oh D, I have several library cards and fortunately ours are large and fairly quiet, given the size and traffic. I had not been in a library since my college years back in the 80’s until three years ago, having gone back to school. Talk about freaked out with all the technology changes that had occurred in them.


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